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Lots of new artists


A lot of artists have been released for the ”Art & The Black Market” section of Uma Obscura (presented in cooperation with KF Blackbird), among others: Elinda Creates, Kai Reichwaldt, Tomas Ponga and Tinker Tailor to name a few.

Music acts released for RTSI-evening

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In cooperation with the RTSI – Rätten Till Sin Identitet project (working against the discrimination of subcultures) we present an evening with some of the artists who have participated in the RTSI-campaign. We bring you, from Denmark: the subculture icon and electronic music pioneer Ras Bolding, from Finland: the industrial act Älymystö and finally from Sweden the first concert in a long time from metal band Netherbird! What a lineup for friday october 7!

Dance Obscura, first bookings out

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Dance Obscura is the stage where we embody and capture the many different shades and colours of dark subcultures. We invite you to this year’s dance programme filled with great dance acts. This year we have invited Dud Muurmand from Copenhagen, one of the finest tribal dancers from the nordic countries, to join us. We will also reunite with Entropy, who will also hold lectures/workshops in dance during the festival. This, and a lot more in this year’s Dance Obscura.

Tickets are out for 2016!


Finally, tickets are out for 2016! We hereby release a limited amount of 2 day-passes for the festival, available for pre-orders to the price of 300 SEK.

We still have not released any bookings. This does not mean there are no bookings. It simply means, we are sneaky and have not yet released them! So: buy a pig in a poke and order your tickets now and you will save quite a lot compared to the one-day tickets available later. One might call this crowd-funding in a way too.

So, are you willing to take a chance on us? Then surf right onto the TICKETS page and buy one or more while they’re available!

See you in October at Uma Obscura.

Dates are set!

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’Uma Obscura 2016 will be held on October 6-9 in Umeå Sweden. The main venue will be Umeå Folkets Hus.  Stay tuned for more information and tickets.

Next Uma Obscura: autumn 2016

The next edition of the Uma Obscura festival will be held autumn 2016 in Umeå! This has just been announced, so more info will follow.

The bookings are starting from now on, but please be patient since we need time to answer all incoming requests and to plan.

The reason the festival will not be held 2015 is that we need to gather our strength and resources and we simply need some time to rest (we have been going on for 7 years in a row counting Sunset Park festival) since this festival is done on a non profit basis.  Still, there may be a few interesting happenings in autumn 2015… keep your eyes out.

And we can assure you: Uma Obscura 2016 will be a blast!

Thank you for 2014

Uma Obscura 2014 is now over!
We would like to say THANK YOU for a fantastic festival to all the visitors, artists, volontary crew, crew and our partners and sponsors out there!
We will be back with updates, pictures and more.

photo by Petter Senften

Programme released

We have now released the official programme with times and information you will need.

We have also changed the structures of the homepage a bit, so it will hopefully be easier to navigate.

Also, a lot of new interesting participante have been added the past week, like for example Petra Shara Stoor, Ja! and Curiomira.

Film programme

We are very proud to present this year’s film programme with a theme of ”Nordic Science Fiction”. It was gathered by Peter Öberg, author of ”Science Fiction så in i Norden” in cooperation with Yttre Rymdens Nation from Umeå.

We give you a full evening with movies, all with free entrance (ltd amount of seats) and with movies like the Swedish Star Wars movie ”Threads of Destiny” and short films like ”Nightsatan and the Loops of Doom”. Enjoy


Lots of news!

We have tons of news this time.
Total Egon web
Punkrock-legend Mart Hällgren brings his solo project Total Egon

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How about a metal lineup of:
Styggelse, Stormdeath and Snakeskin Angels (!)
Fraulein Frauke - foto  John-Paul Bichard web
One of Swedens finest burlesque performers, Fräulein Frauke!
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A seminar about the swedish electro scene by the author of the book ”Den Svenska Synthen”, Bengt Rahm
A cool industrial/crossover band: Ninedee

All the way from Riihimäki, Finland we bring you finnish gothband Vergil!
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And their friends in Chaos Research
Entropy - photo Egle ZiomaMisty Moon web800katarina svartvit

The dance performers lineup is completed with:
Morganas Döttrar, Misty Moon and Entropy!

Epidemics & 6th Awakening to Uma Obscura

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Today we released more artists and participants for Uma Obscura!
We are proud to present one of Swedens finest metal-bands with the powerful growling Luisa Vilevik as frontwoman. We also give you Umeås provocative and political punk-rock band Epidemics. As if this wasn’t enough we also present an artist that returns to our festival: Steampunkers.

More artists released

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We have released even more bookings, and a new nice teaser poster!

How about for example well known dancer Morgana (all the way from Spain), a fashion show with artist Kai Reichwaldt and also the  interesting music project Strauss Ex Machina! Read more under the Programme section.