Vad händer när en DJ, en pianist och en dansare slår sig samman för att skapa tillsammans i stunden? Välkända beats och klassiskt pianospel ackompanjerar en dansare i ett unikt improvisatoriskt framträdande där vad som helst kan hända! Erik Emanuelsson, Robin Lilja och Tekla Andersson har bred erfarenhet av improvisation inom sina respektive fält och på årets Uma Obscura kommer de bjuda på skapande med inspiration av material tillhörande workshops som de har lett tidigare i år.
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Katarina Klingberg

Katarina Klingberg has a long and varied dance background and has performed both historical dances from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, oriental traditional dances and more contemporary styles such as Argentine tango, butoh and various fusion styles. She also has a theater background and likes to play in the borderland where the body is used to express a feeling or a story without any limiting style.
This solo piece is called Ran, and is a tribute to the goddess of the same name, who personifies the depths of the sea in Old Norse mythology. Those who drown at sea can hope to be caught in her net and offered a place as honored guests in her hall.
The music has been created especially for this piece by Robin Lilja, through intimate collaboration between dancer and composer.
Katarina Klingberg har en lång och varierad dansbakgrund och har uppträtt med både historiska danser från medeltid och renässans, orientaliska traditionella danser och mer nutida stilar som argentinsk tango, butoh och olika fusionstilar. Hon har även teaterbakgrund och leker gärna i det gränsland där kroppen används för att uttrycka en känsla eller en historia utan någon begränsande stil.
Detta solostycke heter Ran, och är en hyllning till gudinnan med samma namn, som personifierar havsdjupet i den fornnordiska mytologin. De som drunknar till havs kan hoppas på att fångas i hennes nät och bjudas plats som hedrade gäster i hennes hall.
Musiken har skapats särskilt för detta stycke av Robin Lilja, genom intimt samarbete mellan dansare och kompositör.

krAaFusion is a dynamic artistic project of Madeleine Holmlund. As a dancer in different styles of Fusion Bellydance, krAa is her artistic inspiration and freedom to create dance in her own way. Through krAaFusion Madeleines explore her dance vocabulary by taking the dance movements a step further into an organic reality. The dynamics blur the boundaries between choreography and improvisation and finds its way to different forms of collaborations and encounters.
”..and into Hell I crawl, to clear my mind and let loose my soul”
In another twisted performance, krAa Fusion embodies a paraphrase inspired by the myth of godess Hel. The exploration of the dark labyrinths of life, death and rebirth is a recurring theme and thread through krAaFusions artistic expression.
krAaFusion är Madeleine Holmlunds konstnärliga plattform som är under ständig utveckling. Som dansare i olika stilar inom Fusion Bellydance är krAa en inspiration och frihet att skapa dans på sitt eget vis. Som ett led i utforskandet av sitt dansvokabulär tar Madeleine, genom krAaFusion, dansrörelserna ett steg vidare in i en organisk verklighet. Dynamiken suddar ut gränserna mellan koreografi och improvisation och söker sig till olika former av möten.
”..and into Hell I crawl, to clear my mind and let loose my soul”
I ännu ett särpräglat dansframträdande förkroppsligar krAa Fusion en parafras inspirerad av myten om gudinnan Hel. Utforskandet av livets mörka labyrinter, död och återfödelse är ett återkommande tema och tråd genom krAaFusions konstnärliga uttryck.
Uma Obscura returns in 2022!
Obscura 2021 now on Youtube!
On October 16th 2021 we delivered Obscura Light, featuring a variety of high class alternative music and art. The concerts from Obscura Light – featuring Rået, Ljustörst and Robin Lilja – will now be broadcast on Youtube on January 15:th 2022.
Here is the playlist to the KF Kretsen channel:
2021 Photo by Thomas Kieselbach
2021 Photo by Nikdesign
JAQ Studios Group Show
JAQ studios presents a selection of their artists who will be putting on a exhibition. There will be paintings, sculptures, prints, everything to send quivers of all sorts along your body, some of it is even for sale!
JAQ is a creative collective consisting of people living and burning for culture, a combination of solo works and colabs, creating a more creative Umeå!
JAQ studios presenterar ett urval av sina konstnärer, som tillsammans ställer ut sina verk. Stort som smått; allt från målningar, skulpturer och prints till att bjuda på smyg-rysig stämning och konst till salu.
JAQ är ett kreativt kollektiv som består av människor som brinner för kultur som arbetar tillsammans och var för sig för ett mer kulturberikat Umeå
”As one used to hear the mother call from the porch, that we should not go too far into the woods because there are things there that we do not understand. These are the things you no longer hear about. These are the things that are beginning to fall into oblivion. These are the things that are dangerous to forget.”
Rået is a somber fuzzrock-band with influences of doom from Västerbotten, Sweden. The band draws inspiration from the myhtical stories from the area, the power of the mighty forests and the infinitely skewed beauty of the mire.
”Som man brukade höra mamman ropa från bron, att vi inte ska gå för långt ut i skogen för där finns sådant vi inte begriper. Det är sådant man inte hör ropas längre. Det är sådant som börjar falla i glömska. Det är sådant som är farligt att glömma bort.”
Rået är ett vemodigt fuzzrockband med doominfluenser från Västerbotten. Bandet hämtar inspiration i de mytiska historierna från området, de mäktiga skogarnas kraft och myrens oändligt skeva skönhet.
Läs mer om Rået här:
Robin Lilja

Robin Lilja is an awarded composer who graduated this year from the Master’s Programme in musical composition at the School of Music in Piteå, Sweden. His works have been performed in Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Poland. He has participated in Uma Obscura before, for example as a musician in the improvisation ensemble NIO and as the composer of the music for Scáthach – a choreography by Katarina Klingberg.
Water and death is the overarching theme of this year’s act Aqua Mortem, where Robin will perform La Lugubre Gondola 1 & 2 by Franz Liszt, as well as an improvisational piece with a backingtrack, titled ”Styx”. Playing the piano and improvisation are two artistic expressions that Robin has set aside during his studies in composition – a loving reunion awaits on the stage!
Den lilla konserten ”Aqua Mortem” – Robin Lilja
Robin Lilja är en prisvinnande tonsättare som detta år avlagt masterexamen i komposition vid Musikhögskolan i Piteå. Hans musik har framförts i Sverige, Danmark, Island och Polen. Han har varit med på Uma Obscura tidigare, bland annat som musiker i improvisationsensemblen NIO och som tonsättare av musiken till Scáthach – en koreografi av Katarina Klingberg.
Vatten och död är temat som håller ihop årets programpunkt Aqua Mortem, där Robin kommer framföra La Lugubre Gondola 1 & 2 av Franz Liszt, samt en improvisation med backingtrack vid namnet ”Styx”. Pianospel och improvisation är två konstnärliga uttryck som Robin under sina kompositionsstudier satt på paus – det blir därmed ett kärt återseende på scen!
Ljustörst is an atmospheric sound experiment that strives to find a glimpse of light in an otherwise dark world. Prepare for a journey to the outskirts of your dreams through anxiety, love, selfishness, justice, hope, injustice, hatred, life, death, darkness and light. Or why not let your own imagination show you the way?
Ljustörst är ett atmosfäriskt ljudexperiment som tar kraft i en strävan att hitta en glimt av ljus i en annars mörk värld. Förbered dig på en resa till utkanten av dina drömmar genom ångest, kärlek, egoism, rättvisa, hopp, orättvisa, hat, liv, död, mörker och ljus. Eller varför inte låta din egen fantasi visa dig vägen?
Obscura Light
As you all know, Uma Obscura 2020 had to be post-poned and hopefully the festival will return in 2022 in it’s full glory. Still, we will keep giving you the Uma Obscura experience in 2021!
On October 16 we are proud to present Obscura Light, featuring a variety of high class alternative music and art! We are proud to present live: Rået, Ljustörst and Robin Lilja! Also there will be an art exhibition by JAQ Studios.
We are happy to finally be able to welcome a live audience to Idun theatre in Umeå.
Sub Showcase – online event featuring Ninedee
The future of Uma Obscura is not yet set but on may 29 we bring you an online event with the awesome band Ninedee! This event will be part of a national online event that in itself features a series of various events.
Many club and festival organizers throughout Sweden have come together to co-create the program with the support from SUB – Riksförbundet För Subkultur (the Swedish national network organisation for subcultures)
You can see the stream for free at:
And you can read more about the event here:
And the official Facebook event can be found here:
The Uma Obscura experience online

Although the true festival experience of Uma Obscura is hard to broadcast, we have some artists who have all done the second best thing to playing live, that is streaming/live recording their sets or other contributions.
Jätten was scheduled to play at Uma Obscura before the pandemic broke out. One performance was planned to be togheter with Donna rivjärn. But since the festival was postponed, they decided to instead record the DJ-set they had planned and publish it online during one of the days of the festival.
The mix consists of 30 minutes of westcoast electrofunk (or as people used to call it in Los Angeles, “workout music” beacuse of all the huffing and puffing ). The lyrics by Donna Rivjärn are inspired by their harsh situation as temp workers during the pandemics and also the tension that comes out of not being able to be close to other people.*
Jätten och donna rivjärn: The uma obscura-mix 2020:ärn-jätten-dj-set-for-uma-obscura-2020/
Also Two Witches did a live stream and interview on Saturday, April 4, the same day they were supposed to be playing at Uma Obscura:
Uma Obscura – postponed
It is with a heavy heart that we hereby announce that the festival Uma Obscura will not be held 3-5 April. We hope to be able reschedule and ask for your patience as we consider our options along with each and everyone involved.
We have all been hard at work to prepare for a spectacular celebration of the subcultural arts this spring and this has been a tough decision for us to make. Nonetheless, it is the only viable option. Although we do not (yet) fall under the regulations currently limiting events, a substantial portion of our performing acts will most likely not be able to attend and if we were to hold the festival under these circumstances, it would not be the festival we planned for.
The spread of the Corona virus is currently affecting people from all over the world, in a myriad of ways and to an extent that we cannot yet properly gauge. One vital purpose of culture is to have different people meet and engage. In a time where people are now discouraged from meeting each other, culture will be heavily impacted – perhaps moreso from the cure than the disease. The actions taken by Swedish government are to protect public health and we will support the collective effort to reduce the damage done by the virus.
However, culture has another vital purpose and it is to inspire hope in humanity. This is the mission we will never abandon. Whether there will be an Uma Obscura later this year or not, rest assured that the heart of the festival will continue to beat to the sound of what is wondrous and dark, the macabre and beautiful, and to every other tone in the diverse orchestra of alternative subcultures. Together with you, our dear audience, we will keep spirits high despite anything and everything.
We do not stand alone as a cultural event impacted by the spread of the Corona virus – several have cancelled or postponed their events before us and we expect even more to follow. The consequences will be dire and it is our hope, together with our fellow arrangers, that we will be supported throughout the crisis. Culture is not a luxury and it is not a triviality – it is a force on its own that breathes life into our bodies. Without it we would be only almost human.
Again – we do hope that we will be able to bring you Uma Obscura 2020 later this year and that it will be as close to our vision and your expectations as possible. For now, we would like to thank everyone for their work so far with the festival. Without the outstanding people rallying to the cause of this unique festival for alternative subcultures we would not even have a postponed festival to mourn.
We also wish to thank each and everyone of the artists who have shown great support and understanding throughout the process of trying to work out a solution to postpone the festival. We also thank all our partners and volonteers for their support and understanding. We stand together in firm resolution to try to make this edition of the festival reemerge.
Rest assured, we will keep you all updated on whether the festival is to be postponed or cancelled entirely. Our goal is to postpone the festival but there are many factors in play here, as you can imagine. We will also get back to everyone who has bought tickets with an option for a refund or – if we can postpone the festival – an option to keep your ticket. This may take a week or two.
Until then we ask you to lend us your patience and to pick up the pieces with us. Listen to the music you were looking forward to. See if the artists have published online any of the works you were dying to see. Find showcases of the dancers who were going to perform. Why not write them something supportive, or buy some of their artwork if possible? Above all, remember to let those fantastic creators know that you are finding comfort in them! They need you now as much as you need them.
Until we all meet again
With love,
Uma Obscura
Uma Obscura 2020 to be postponed!
Due to the Coronavirus, Uma Obscura will be postponed – or in worst case canceled.
Please read the front page statement and:
ImportantUma Obscura and the Coronavirus!
The program is out!
The program folder and the time schedules for the festival are out now and can be found in the menu under ”program 2020”.
Also, for those of you who are concerned about if Uma Obscura will be affected by the Corona virus, we have included an information section that can be found through a link on the program page.
DJ Subsanity

After having lodged behind the DJ table of Club Greyscale several times, Subsanity occupies the DJ-booth at Uma Obscura to create a dance floor filled with smoke and strobe lights! A classic electro- and goth dance floor with both old classics and new tunes.
Efter att ha huserat bakom Club Greyscales DJ-bord åtskilliga gånger, intar Subsanity DJ-båset på Uma Obscura för att skapa ett dansgolv fullt av rök och strob! Ett klassiskt synth- och goth-dansgolv med både gamla klassiker och nya låtar.
Ras Bolding
Ras Bolding returns to Uma Obscura! He is an artist from Odense, Denmark, and he roams in a musical no man’s land somewhere in between synth, wave, goth, punk, electronica and 8-bit, now and then even incorporating elements from classical minimalism.
Bolding’s concerts are visual as well as musical affairs, utilising neon lights and lasers, and he has performed in all kinds of places, from clubs to festivals, from hardcore SM parties to the holy halls of Danish culture: Hans Christian Andersen’s House. For the Uma Obscura concert Bolding brings Marie Makaber on synth and extra vocals and Andreas Wandegren on synth and guitar.
Ras Bolding is also the founder of alternative club Klub Golem in Odense, he has done music journalism for Gaffa (and feels somewhat dubious about it), he has had more hair colours than your average manga and he will not be held responsible for the Stockholm Bloodbath.
Ras Bolding återvänder till Uma Obscura! Den danska musikern rör sig i ett musikaliskt ingenmansland någonstans mellan synth, wave, goth, punk, electronica och 8-bits-musik med inslag av klassisk minimalism.
Boldings konserter brukar vara såväl en musikalisk som visuell upplevelse, full av neonljus och lasrar. Han har framträtt på allehanda platser, allt från SM-fester till Danmarks mest prestigefyllda kultursal: H.C. Andersens House. Denna gång har han med sig Marie Makaber på synth och sång, samt Andreas Wandegren på synth och gitarr.
Ras Bolding är även grundare av Odenses alternativklubb Klub Golem och han har varit skribent för musiktidningen Gaffa, har haft fler hårfärger än vad du sett bland mangakaraktärer och han menar att han inte är skyldig till Stockholms blodbad (!).